gplates_ws_proxy package


gplates_ws_proxy.coastlines module

gwspy.coastlines.get_paleo_coastlines(time: float, model='MULLER2022', format='geojson', facecolor='lime', edgecolor='none', alpha: float = 0.5, extent=(-180, 180, -90, 90), wrap: bool = True, central_meridian: float = 0.0, anchor_plate_id: int = 0, min_area: float = None)[source]

Get paleo-coastlines

By default, the polygons are wrapped along (180/-180). If you would like to wrap them at other locations, be careful that some plotting packages might not work well with them.

  • time – the input paleo age

  • model – the name of rotation model

  • format – the return data format, such as geojson, shapely, png

  • facecolor – face color – only for png format

  • edgecolor – edge color – only for png format

  • alpha – alpha – only for png format

  • extent – (left, right, bottom, top) – only for png format

  • anchor_plate_id – anchor plate id

  • central_meridian – central meridian

  • wrap – flag to indicate if wrap the polygons along dateline

  • min_area – only returns polygons with a larger area



Return type:


gplates_ws_proxy.gplates module

gplates_ws_proxy.plate_model module

class gwspy.plate_model.PlateModel(name='MULLER2019')[source]

Bases: object


Given a rotation model name, return the details about the model

get_coastlines(time: float, format='geojson', facecolor='lime', edgecolor='none', alpha: float = 0.5, extent=(-180, 180, -90, 90), wrap: bool = True, central_meridian: float = 0.0, anchor_plate_id: int = 0, min_area: float = None)[source]

get a list of paleo-labels


a dict object, {“names”: names, “lons”: lons, “lats”: lats}


return a list which contains all the available rotation models

reconstruct(lats: list[float], lons: list[float], age: float, pids: list[int] = []) dict[str, list][source]

reconstruct a list of lats and lons to age


for example, {‘lats’:[1.1,2.2], ‘lons’:[2.1,2.3]}

gwspy.plate_model.reconstruct_shapely_points(model: PlateModel, points: list[Point], time: float, pids: list[int] = []) list[Point][source]

reconstruct a list of shapely points to {time}Ma

gplates_ws_proxy.reconstruction module

gwspy.reconstruction.get_paleo_coordinates(lats, lons, age, model='SETON2012', pids=[])[source]

convenient function to get paleo-coordinates at {age}

gwspy.reconstruction.reconstruct_points(points: list[Point], age, model='SETON2012', pids=[])[source]

get paleo-coordinates for a list of shapely points, return new shapely points

Module contents